안드로이드 : GPS 사용 가능 여부
프로그래밍/Android 2010. 12. 3. 22:56 |만약 설정에서 GPS 를 disable 시킨 상태라면 false 가 리턴 됨.
Indicates whether network connectivity is possible. A network is unavailable when a persistent or semi-persistent condition prevents the possibility of connecting to that network. Examples include
if the network is available, false
otherwiseIndicates whether network connectivity exists and it is possible to establish connections and pass data.
if network connectivity exists, false
1-bit. May take on the values true
and false
and false
are defined constants of the language and are not the same as True
and False
, zero and nonzero, 1 and 0 or any other numeric value. Booleans may not be cast into any other type of variable nor may any other variable be cast into a boolean.
1 signed byte (two's complement). Covers values from -128 to 127.
2 bytes, signed (two's complement), -32,768 to 32,767
4 bytes, signed (two's complement). -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Like all numeric types ints may be cast into other numeric types (byte, short, long, float, double). When lossy casts are done (e.g. int to byte) the conversion is done modulo the length of the smaller type.
8 bytes signed (two's complement). Ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
4 bytes, IEEE 754. Covers a range from 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38 (positive or negative).
Like all numeric types floats may be cast into other numeric types (byte
, short
, long
, int
, double
). When lossy casts to integer types are done (e.g. float
to short
) the fractional part is truncated and the conversion is done modulo the length of the smaller type.
2 bytes, unsigned, Unicode, 0 to 65,535
Chars are not the same as bytes, ints, shorts or Strings.
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